Profile PictureOliver Sage Press

Oliver Sage (Jonathan Gesthuizen) hails from Raglan, New Zealand, where the sea and untouched landscapes shaped his early years, infusing his writing with wonder. An exceptional wordsmith, his novel "Flight" beautifully blends passion, self-discovery, and desire, inviting readers on a liberating journey of love and authenticity. Sage's storytelling prowess paints a vivid canvas of emotions and relationships. Beyond literature, Sage triumphed in the world of cinema with his award-winning short film "Ice Cold." He also explores holistic well-being through "The Healing Paradigm," bridging ancient wisdom with contemporary understanding. Curiosity led him to probe the mysteries of consciousness in "The God Molecule," blending science and philosophy seamlessly. His novelette "Ram Raid" showcases his talent for weaving action, humor, and heartfelt emotion. Soon, "Beauty's Only Skin Deep" will challenge beauty standards, guiding readers toward self-acceptance. Oliver Sage's journey from Raglan to the global stage is a testament to his ability to craft resonant narratives in literature and film. Oliver Sage's journey from the coastal town of Raglan to the global stage is a testament to his profound ability to craft narratives that resonate across borders. Whether through novels that transcend conventions or films that evoke emotions, Sage continues to captivate audiences, leaving an indelible mark on the artistic world.


Amnesia - Short Film


Ice Cold - Short Film


Ram Raid




The Healing Paradigm - Embracing Alternative Approaches


The God Molecule - A Peek Under the Veil
