Profile PictureOliver Sage Press



"Flight" invites readers to embark on a transformative journey with Isabella, a woman who defies the confines of a sheltered life within a convent. Seeking a connection that transcends her cloistered existence, Isabella sets forth on a daring voyage of self-discovery and emancipation.

Breaking free from the shadows of the convent, Isabella's path leads her to an unexpected encounter with Adrian, a mysterious man who ignites a passionate flame within her. Their love story blossoms amidst the sacred halls, defying the very tenets that bound her to her previous life. As their illicit affair unfolds, Isabella's heart awakens to desires she never dreamed possible. Yet, with every stolen moment, she grapples with the tension between her newfound emotions and the echoes of her constrained past.

Fuelled by an insatiable thirst for authenticity, Isabella's journey unfurls with unwavering resolve. Embracing her emerging sensuality with unapologetic fervor, she embarks on an odyssey of self-discovery, peeling back the layers of her being to uncover the profound dimensions of love and the liberating power of self-expression. Along her expedition, Isabella navigates a series of exhilarating escapades and formidable challenges, each testing her courage and compelling her to confront her deepest fears and vulnerabilities.

Flight intricately weaves its narrative with eloquent prose, adroitly exploring themes of self-realization, love, and the transformative potential of embracing one's sensuality. Isabella's journey resonates profoundly as she casts aside the limitations of her past to soar into a world characterized by fervent passion, desire, and an unwavering connection to her own authenticity. As Isabella's story unfolds, readers are invited to traverse the labyrinthine path alongside her, witnessing the profound evolution of a woman who defies conventions to embrace the exhilarating voyage of self-discovery and the alluring allure of a life richly experienced.

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